Saturday, September 6, 2008

Truth in Fiction

What is fiction? Why do we love to be entertained? What makes a story a timeless classic? Why do some stories start great, but fall flat? Why do we feel special when we are the first to discover a piece of art; a new band, book, or film? What do we do with it when we find it, and why? And finally, why is it that "great" films and books, etc. fail to receive recognition equivalent to their value, or do they?

Truth in Fiction is a philosophy of culture that seeks to explain these questions, and solve problems arising from them. The core principle is that everything is connected on a deeper level. Picture the water lily: hundreds of leaves and flowers floating on the surface of a pond, but how many plants are in the pond? Are there hundreds or just one? The truth exists below the surface.

As in life, truth in fiction must be determined through an objective, almost scientific, approach. To create great stories, timeless stories, those developing them must understand the truth of reality. To define this is the purpose of Truth in Fiction.

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