Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Will to Question Everything...

May it never be that we believe we know everything, because no one does.  May it never be that people think we know everything, because we never will.  The Delphi Oracle said that Socrates was the wisest man in Greece at the time.  When questioned about why, Socrates claimed it was because he was the only one who knew that he didn't know everything.

The Consortium for Truth in Fiction is a learning culture.  We each bring the best of our knowledge and understanding to the table, and when all cards are laid out, we determine the truth among them.  Truth can only be related when it is fully understood, and it can only be fully understood, when it is studied from many angles.  One person can do this, but it may take a lifetime, many people banded together can do this in a matter of years.  And if the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, the synergy of the group could shorten it to a matter of months.

Therefore, let us each have the will to question everything and the courage to stand by the truth.

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